السنة 18 العدد 167

The Forum for the Twelfth Engineering Graduation Project




The College of Engineering and Architecture will soon host the twelfth annual Engineering Graduation Project Forum. The forum's goal is to achieve integrated communication with various higher education institutions in order to share engineering ideas in various fields.


Adopting the theme "Towards pioneering and sustainable engineering," this edition will appeal to a broader range of national and international participants interested in research topics related to achieving clean and sustainable energy. Participation has exceeded 50 research papers nationally and internationally in recent years.


There will be 12 subthemes of different specializations covered in the forum. The participant must be a college student enrolled in a graduation project course in order to participate and be accepted. A committee will receive and review the research project. Research that meets the necessary scientific standards will be presented and discussed in the forum, and outstanding researchers will eventually be recognized.

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